Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Fall Retreat Statement

Fall Retreat Statement

For those of you that I have not met, my name is Dan Gunderson and was selected as the 2012-13 Student Intern.  I was fortunate enough to be able to attend the 2012 Annual conference as my first SDSRT event.  I gained an immense amount of knowledge regarding how the society is run.  I attended the scientific paper presentations, the educators meeting, as well as the various board meetings throughout the weekend.  The speakers introduced me to various topics within healthcare that I would normally not be familiar with.

After the convention I contemplated what I could do to benefit the SDSRT and future student interns.  When I applied for the position I did not know what the position would entirely entail.  In order to educate future applicants, I have created a blog, in which I am posting periodically, to explain the things I have experienced as the current intern.  The blog website was placed on the student area of sdsrt.org.  It is available for anyone to view as well as comment on any of the posts.  Please feel free to contact me with any suggestions or advice you have.

I regret to inform my fellow members that I will not be able to attend the Fall retreat due to a family issue.  I will follow up with the members in order to receive the information that is covered at the meeting and am eager to learn and contribute in any way I possibly can.  I plan on attending the future meetings in 2013 and continuing to post in the blog.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

2012 SDSRT Conference


It has been one week since the annual conference was held.  If you weren't able to make it you truly missed out on some excellent speakers and camaraderie between technologists throughout the state.  This year was my first SDSRT event and I gained an immense amount of knowledge about how the society is run.

The convention began with the student scientific paper presentations and I was truly impressed with all of them as well as the other students exhibits.  The topics of each paper were very relevant to the field of radiology and I know everyone gained something from them.  I was also fortunate enough to attend the educators meeting.  This meeting opened my eyes to how different each program is run.  Meeting the other program directors from throughout the state really showed me how truly passionate each one is about the field of Radiologic Technology and how fortunate each student in state is to have them to look up to.  The meetings that I attended throughout the weekend gave me insight into some sides of healthcare that I would normally not hear about.  Everything from information on healthcare reform and the effect that it will have on technologists, to the connections between radiology and sports-related concussions.

Overall, my favorite part of convention were the board meetings.  I felt that when we came together as a group to discuss or resolve a topic, we were able to accomplish the overall goal.  Observing these meetings showed me that South Dakota has a great society and the technologists running it are people that I aspire to be.

Monday, April 23, 2012


Hello all!!

First off I would just like to introduce myself, my name is Dan Gunderson and am currently a first year Radiology Intern at Sanford USD Medical Center.  Last fall I was informed of an opportunity to apply for a student internship with the South Dakota Society of Radiologic Technologists and became interested.  Getting more involved within the profession is important and I saw this as a perfect opportunity to do so.  I was selected as the 2012-2013 Student Intern and feel privileged to be given this honor.

Professional organizations within a person's career are essential in order to further your knowledge. The SDSRT allows technologists to connect with their colleagues throughout the state.  The relationships that are developed within the society pave the way for the future of our profession.   Throughout my time as the Student Intern I will be posting on this blog in order to inform future students of what the position truly entails.  As well as this, my goal is to make this a way for Radiology students throughout the state to become more connected and share their thoughts.  I am very excited to share my experiences throughout the next year with all of the students and technologists in South Dakota!!